Resuscitation Quality Improvement®(RQI)® program

Verified CPR competence is the new standard of care. The Resuscitation Quality Improvement (RQI)® program can help your organization deliver this new standard to your patients. You are dedicated to improving the quality and reliability of the care your staff provide. RQI replaces skills decay with verified competency and saves lives.

RQI programs provide a high-reliability platform for simulation-based mastery learning, implemented through low-dose, high-frequency quality improvement sessions that measure and verify competence to help healthcare providers retain and measure their life-saving skills. The quarterly RQI curriculum delivers cognitive eLearning and self-directed skills training in manageable sessions at the point of care. 


Two programs drive data

Get With The Guidelines®-Resuscitation and RQI work in harmony to drive verified resuscitation skills competency through outcomes evaluation and process improvement.